Side Stories

Here’s where you get an exclusive look at backstories about characters in the Traynor’s World books, “side stories” showing what is going on with characters other than Jon Traynor in the same story line, and previews of upcoming books in the series. Tell us what you think about the stories and characters on our news page. Your ideas (and maybe your name) might find their way into future stories!

Morning Run

“So, why isn’t Rob running with us?” “I told you, Meg.  He’ll run later, with Mom.  He’s lifting weights at home first.” “Oh yeah.  I was half asleep when you told me.  Before I chugged an energy drink.” “You don’t really need those.  Just get up and get moving.  Your body ...


Eighteen klicks over dusty roads in our old farm wagon.  It’s not a glamorous holiday for two barely teens, but that’s not the point.  The point is that it is the very first time Doreen and I have been trusted to go into town alone. By ourselves. With a little cash to buy supplies for the family. And in ...

A Girl Can Dream

“Kathrin Gordon!” Her head snapped up when the teacher barked her name. She had been daydreaming again. Things moved so slowly in Master Verrier’s class; it was impossible for her mind not to wander. It had been almost … three minutes? … since Carlo behind her kicked her chair or Max in front of her tipped his head back when the teacher ...


As he stepped out of the sleek electric sedan that brought him to his appointment with Director Von Belkin, Rudolf Keim allowed himself one quick glance up at the crystal spire soaring into the heavens above the Palace of Enlightenment. The Spire, Centrum’s principal landmark, was both exalting and humbling. Despite all the advances of modern ...

Preview of Book 2, Traynor’s Underground

“Blattes?” Misha quizzes me as we stop warily in the nearly deserted street. “Roaches. They called us roaches. Come on, I know you picked up more French at the university than you let on, even with your crazy accent.” “Girls adore my accent.” “It’s your stupid hat.” “Also, they are loving my hat.” “No, I mean that’s how these ...